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Rooted and Grounded in Love

To comprehend the love of God we must first grapple with the love that moved God to come into the world to become a sin offering.

Sermon Notes:

  1. The epistle to the Ephesians in the first half, chapters 1-3, is doctrinal in nature while chapters 4-6 are more practical. But within the first three chapters there are two very practical moments. In chapter 1 and end of chapter 3 you find these prayers. His prayer in this passage is about very deep Christian truth. 
  2. Paul prays that the deep doctrinal things he expresses in chapters 1-3 would be planted practically deep in our hearts.
  3. We begin by bowing down before God. The Spirit enlightens your heart that the Lord Jesus may be all things to you.
  4. We must be alert to the danger of getting stuck in our theology and leaving our hearts outside. Both of Paul’s prayers in Ephesians are about our hearts.
  5. Remember that it is God's idea to have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in your heart in the first place.
  6. One of the main purposes for God sending the Spirit into the world is to glorify the Son and to bring Him near to us (cf. John 16:13-14).
  7. Paul expounds the counsels of God from before the foundation of the world.
  8. We’re to grasp the breadth, height, length and depth of all the counsels of God’s salvation. God’s love was set upon us from eternity.
  9. The grace of God is available to all peoples and nations equally.
  10. Jesus became man to die and in His death is located the turning point of history; by his death we now may live.
  11. To be grounded and rooted in love prepares us to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge.
  12. Lack of love leads to divisions and rivalry. The great truths of Scripture are common among faithful denominations so we need not dwell on differences.
  13. To comprehend the Love of God we must first grapple with the love that moved God to come into the world to become a sin offering.
  14. Our response to God is to worship and to serve Christ.

Application Questions:

  1. How does Paul translate the high theology of Ephesians 1-3 into practical application for believers?
  2. What are some applications of the theology of God’s greatness and love?
  3. How does God’s love instruct us to navigate differences among Christians?
  4. Are we so taken up with practical and theoretical aspects of Christianity that we miss the deep personal experience of Christ dwelling within us?
  5. What has God done that demonstrates the depth of His love? 
  6. How can we demonstrate the love of God in our lives this week?