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Lectures from 2013


The Public Alternative to Christian Education: Plastic People

by Scott Masson

November 24, 2013

Christian education is meant to restore us to the image of God. State education invents the image of man.


The Need for Christian Education

by Joe Boot

November 24, 2013 | Colossians 1:14-20


Biblical Sexuality Q & A Session

by David Robinson and Joe Boot and Peter Jones

October 19, 2013

Interacting with the audience on questions of marriage and divorce, how to address homosexual friends, and struggles with homosexual feelings.


The Way Forward – Biblical Law and Sexuality

by Joe Boot

October 19, 2013 | Ephesians 5:22-30

The modern church has routinely ignored the answers in God's law to such questions, yet His law points to the only route to human flourishing.


Pagan Sexuality Today and Yesterday

by Peter Jones

October 19, 2013

The culture and large segments of the church are being lead inevitably, and ignorantly, to both a monistic worship of nature and a denial of God, the transcendent Creator.


The Good of Marriage

by David Robinson

October 19, 2013

Augustine provides 21st century Christians with a solid theological foundation for the traditional definition of marriage, a foundation which has informed the Western view of marriage for almost 2000 years.


The Five Points of Paganism

by Peter Jones

October 19, 2013

The West is increasingly embracing the paganism of the Ancient Greco-Roman empire. Man was made to worship, and he only has two choices: worship the Creator, or the created.


Sexuality, Culture and the Church

by Joe Boot

October 16, 2013

Pornography has pervaded our culture and is re-wiring the brains of its many consumers. The church needs to be on guard and teach repentance to overcome the power of addiction to pornography.


Pesky Verses or the Power of God: Romans One under Attack

by Peter Jones

October 16, 2013 | Romans 1

In our contemporary culture, we are faced daily with the radical redefinition of something so intrinsic to us as human beings: our sexuality. This coincides with a rise in paganism, which is not coincidental.


Men for the Hour Q & A Session

by Joe Boot

October 6, 2013

Joe Boot answers audience questions such as, What does it mean to love our wives as Christ loved the church? How does a certificate legitimize a marriage? Should there be a Christian government, and what would that look like? What is the proper application of God’s law to contemporary life? 


Men and Our Orders

by Joe Boot

October 5, 2013

Jesus is the only man who kept the Law of God perfectly. The laws of our land are founded on the principles of biblical law; the biblical law continues to be a model of justice and righteousness, holding all men equally accountable before God, and guarding against tyranny.