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Blog Entries from 2016


Is Mindfulness Christian?

by Peter Jones

December 27, 2016

Many efforts have been made to reconcile Mindfulness with Christian belief and prayer; however these are at root opposed to one another, with radically different understandings of God, the world and the human person.


The Light has come, and so we shine

by Joe Boot

December 23, 2016

Jesus describes Himself, and His followers, as the light of the world. As His image- and office-bearers, we are called to shine the searching light of Christ on a culture that needs to be cured of its spiritual blindness.


The Christmas Gift

by Joe Boot

December 22, 2016 | Isaiah 9:6

God invites us to look beyond the confusion and sentimentality that often attends the Christmas season, to appreciate the radical gift He has given us in His Son.


MPPs say Farewell to Family

by Joe Boot and Ryan Eras

December 12, 2016

The Ontario Legislature’s decision to approve the “All Families Are Equal” Act is a mockery of justice and a galling misappropriation of God’s design for the family.


The end is Nye: GAFCON UK vs. the Archbishops’ Council

by Joe Boot

December 5, 2016 | Jude 1:3

The kingdom of God is a common culture of Christ that reflects the scriptural understanding of human persons in their earthly existence as image- and office-bearers. When clergy reject the plain teaching of Scripture on human sexuality, they presume upon their position in the kingdom of God.


Wilberforce & the Revival of Christian Culture

by Joe Boot

October 27, 2016

As Christians we are called to the task of cultural renewal, transforming the world around us by fulfilling the Great Commission mandate to make disciples of all nations. But this is not primarily accomplished by political or activist means, rather it is fully dependent on the power of God.


Zika Virus & the Abortion Opportunists

by Steven Martins

September 29, 2016 | Jeremiah 1:5

Pro-abortion advocates are attempting to use the birth risks associated with the spread of Zika virus to advance a murderous agenda. Christians must use this crisis to demonstrate the compassion of the Lord Jesus.


William Wilberforce and the Issues of Life

by Joe Boot

September 19, 2016

We should not think of ourselves, as some have suggested, as living in a post-Christian age, but rather a pre-Christian age, with much joyous work to be done for the redemption of life and culture.


God IS Love

by Joe Boot

August 16, 2016 | 1 John 4:7-12

"God is love" is not merely a statement about His activities. God not only acts out of love as one of His many activities, God's eternal, triune love defines all His work.  

Sports for the Glory of God

by Steven Martins

August 3, 2016 | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Sports are a cultural product, an expression of the creation mandate to design, organise and otherwise draw order out of chaos. What does godly participation in sports look like, and what must the Christian guard against?


Goodbye to the Anglican Church of Canada

by Joe Boot

July 13, 2016 | Matthew 24:35

With the recent vote to officially endorse same-sex marriage, the Anglican Church of Canada has at last demonstrated its faithless and apostate leadership. True Christians must get out.


Superhero Mythology and Religion

by Steven Martins

June 22, 2016 | Mark 10:18

The surging popularity of the superhero genre testifies to man's innate recognition of his own fallenness, as well as the humanistic impulse to improve ourselves on our own terms, effecting our own salvation.