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Books from 2016


Por que Todavia Creo (Why I Still Believe)

by Joe Boot

December 6, 2016 | Isaiah 9:7

En Por Que Todavia Creo, el apologista Joe Boot proporciona una introducción legible a la apologética presuposicional para el laico. Este enfoque supone que el cristiano y el no cristiano llegan a la discusión de la fe con cosmovisiones – conjuntos de presuposiciones – que están a kilómetros de distancia, de modo que hay poco terreno común sobre el cual construir un argumento objetivo de la prueba racional. Estas cosmovisiones deben ser examinadas, y Boot muestra cómo la cosmovisión no cristiana no logra hacer sentido del mundo. También invita al no creyente a entrar en la cosmovisión cristiana para ver si tiene sentido o no.


Power in Service

by Willem J. Ouweneel

November 17, 2016

Willem Ouweneel provides an introduction to Christian political theory in this short work, considering such questions as What is the Kingdom of God? Where is it located, what are the limits of its authority, and how does it relate to human states and governments? In light of the Kingdom of God, what is the Christian’s responsibility to the state? 


Gospel Culture

by Joe Boot

September 14, 2016 | Isaiah 9:7

How do we understand our present cultural moment, what does Scripture have to say about our relationship to the culture surrounding us? Gospel Culture is the first in our series of Cornerstones monographs, short works designed to help Christians understand the scope and implications of the gospel, and the particular but timeless challenges to that gospel in the twenty-first century.


Political Liberalism: Theological Presuppositions

by Andrew Sandlin

September 7, 2016

Andrew Sandlin demonstrates that the bedrock assumptions of the most pernicious political vision of our time are actually religious beliefs: an apostasy from the God of the Bible. Defeating that political vision cannot be accomplished without overturning its apostate religious assumptions and recalling people to biblical faithfulness and our covenant-keeping God.


Mission of God

by Joe Boot

April 20, 2016

The Mission of God is a clarion call for Christians and God's church to awaken and recover a full-orbed gospel and comprehensive faith that recognizes and applies the salvation-victory and lordship of Jesus Christ to all creation: from the family, to education, evangelism, law, church, state and every other sphere.