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Articles by Ryan Eras


Culture Wars and Culture Building

by Ryan Eras

February 6, 2018 | Acts 17:18

Christians don't have the option to withdraw from the culture war, but in order to effectively engage, we need to first have a vision for what godly culture is like.


Always Reforming

by Ryan Eras

September 19, 2017

The Reformation was a developing movement that strove to be faithful to the constant touchpoint of Scripture, in our own time we should be mindful of the constant need to submit our doctrines, beliefs, and experiences to the inspired, authoritative Word of God, and to interpret all of life and history in light of that Word.


Canada’s Christian Future

by Ryan Eras

June 30, 2017 | Hebrews 11:16

Let us celebrate our sesquicentennial in a spirit of full and everlasting joy, knowing that Canada, like all nations and kingdoms, is under the righteous reign of Christ; and let us labour to instruct our neighbours and countrymen in everything he has commanded.


MPPs say Farewell to Family

by Joe Boot and Ryan Eras

December 12, 2016

The Ontario Legislature’s decision to approve the “All Families Are Equal” Act is a mockery of justice and a galling misappropriation of God’s design for the family.


Hegelian Lawlessness

by Ryan Eras

October 1, 2012 | Job 42:2

Examining the Hegelian roots of Marxist ideology reveals that the God described in Hegel's philosophy is utterly irreconcilable with the God revealed in Scripture.