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Christian Mission


Sex-Ed Curriculum Forum

by Scott Masson

April 24, 2015 | Luke 15:11-32


EICC Strategic Mission and Manifesto

by Joe Boot

January 16, 2015 | Colossians 1:15-20

The Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity (EICC) exists for the defense, confirmation and vindication of a biblical cosmology affirming the Lordship of the triune God over all life and thought. The great need of our day for God's church is the recovery of a full-orbed gospel and comprehensive faith that recognizes and applies the salvation-victory and lordship of Jesus Christ to all creation: from the family, to education, evangelism, law, church, state and every other sphere.


A Comprehensive Response to a Failing Culture

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2014

We need a renewed vision of what it means to be God's people both in our vocations and the life of the church in order to fulfill his calling for us in a failing culture. We need to understand the hope which is our calling, the inheritance which is ours in Christ, and the greatness of his power that is given to us who believe.


The Priestly Calling of the Medical Profession

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2014 | Jeremiah 8:22

Part of the purpose of God's redemptive activity in history is healing and wholeness for the whole person. This lecture explores the priestly calling of those in the medical profession.


Health and Salvation in a Broken World

by Joe Boot

April 1, 2014 | 3 John 

If medical practitioners are going to help people to be in good health, they have to walk in the truth. The practice of healing has to be carried out in terms of God's purposes in creation and God's truth. Therefore, the philosophy by which medicine is practiced is critical.


Truth and Oaths

by Joe Boot

February 24, 2013


Salt and Light

by Joe Boot

February 23, 2013


Law or Legalism

by Joe Boot

February 23, 2013