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Lectures in Education


Gospel Culture: Why Christian Education?

by Joe Boot

July 30, 2021

At the 2021 Colombian Association for Christian Schools Conference Joe Boot explains how Christian Education is vital for Christians, especially in light of the current cultural climate.


Gospel Culture: Why Christian Education?

by Joe Boot

June 3, 2021

At the 2021 Colombian Association for Christian Schools Conference Joe Boot explains how Christian Education is a vital for Christians, especially in light of the current cultural climate.


Critical Theory at School

by Andrew Sandlin

May 14, 2020

Andrew Sandlin speaks to incoming university and college students about the origins and issues of Critical Theory at the 2019 To Give an Answer training program.


Educating in Light of the Gospel

by Joe Boot

September 29, 2015 | Psalms 2

One of the most significant ways that Christians fulfill the Great Commission mandate, making disciples of all nations, is by educating our children in a God-honouring way.


Sex-Ed Curriculum Forum

by Scott Masson

April 24, 2015 | Luke 15:11-32


The Truth Decay of Public Sex Education

by Scott Masson

April 22, 2015

At the heart of Ontario’s radical new sex-ed curriculum is the false belief in human autonomy and the perverse claim that children raise themselves. We may deny the reality of sin, but without Christ, can never truly free ourselves from the sense of guilt that accompanies it.


The Gospel and Education

by Joe Boot

April 22, 2015

The foundation of true education is the truth that man, though fallen and sinful, is made in the image of God the creator and king. Education is a core implication of the gospel truth that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth. 


The Context of Education in Ontario and Canada

by Joe Boot

February 13, 2015

Joe Boot demonstrates that historically, philosophically, economically and sociologically, the religious commitments of the Judeo-Christian worldview form the only solid foundation for the philosophy and practice of education


The Religious Nature of All Education

by Joe Boot

January 22, 2015

Education is inescapably a religious exercise, shaping the hearts, minds, and faith of the next generation. The pagan and humanist program of today's state schools cannot be reconciled with the biblical mandate to train our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


The Future of Religion in Publically Funded and Private Schools from a Christian Point of View

by Joe Boot

October 28, 2014

It is inevitable that religious beliefs will be taught to children in public and private schools, for there is no such thing as a truly neutral education. The question is not whether, but which, religious ideas will be taught in our children's classrooms


The Public Alternative to Christian Education: Plastic People

by Scott Masson

November 24, 2013

Christian education is meant to restore us to the image of God. State education invents the image of man.