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Lectures in Philosophy


A Christian Philosophy of Work

by Joe Boot

September 10, 2020

God is continually active in His created world, sustaining it at every moment. Human beings were made to worship and serve, to tend and keep God’s good creation, and our attitude toward work reflects our theology.


Cultivating Culture by Recovering a Christian Mind

by Joe Boot

November 15, 2019

The urgent task before God’s people in our time is the recovery of a Christian mind – most especially for those in ecclesiastical and cultural leadership. What we need is a wholesale recovery, and in some instances a fresh discovery, of what it means to think Christianly and therefore to be Christian.


Social Justice: A History

by Scott Masson

August 19, 2014

Scott Masson gives a historical overview of how the philosophy behind the social justice movement developed in the west and now manifests itself in our culture.


Evolution and Scientism

by Joe Boot

January 1, 2004

Evolutionary naturalism or scienticism is a faith based perspective which relies on several unprovable assumptions. Furthermore, this worldview cannot provide satisfactory explanations for human experience, such as the laws of logic and rationality. Christian faith, far from being blind, is the only sure foundation for knowledge.