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Institute Minutes from 2016


What is Faith with Works?

by Joe Boot

December 5, 2016 | James 2:26

What did James mean when he said that faith without works is dead? What is the relationship between Christian belief and action?


Justice and the Church

by Joe Boot

November 25, 2016

What is the church's role in God's purposes in the world? How does that role influence the church's attitude to justice in society?


Do the Gospels Disagree?

by David Robinson

November 23, 2016 | Matthew 2:11, Luke 2:15-16

Matthew and Luke give differing accounts of some of the details of Jesus' birth. Is this a reason to cast doubt on the truth of Scripture?


Love Thy Neighbour

by Joe Boot

November 17, 2016 | Mark 12:31

Implicit in the command to love our neighbour is the understanding that the gospel has social and cultural implications. Loving our neighbour precludes the possibility of a strictly personal, private religion.


God the Lawgiver

by Peter Jones

November 16, 2016 | Romans 1:1-6

As Creator and Redeemer, God shows Himself to be a God of order and principle – in short, of law. The law of God is not in conflict with the gospel, rather they are both gifts to mankind.


What is Christ the King of?

by Joe Boot

November 15, 2016 | John 10:10

To say that Christ is King requires that He have a kingdom where He rules as sovereign. Just what is Christ the king of, according to Scripture?


The Gospel of the Kingdom

by Joe Boot

November 14, 2016 | John 16:33

The good news is that in the person of Christ, the Kingdom of God has arrived among us, thus beginning the restoration of all things.


Exchanging Dominion for Worship

by Peter Jones

November 10, 2016 | Romans 1:23

Mankind was made to rule over the animals, but in sin, we have made them into idols, worshiping and serving the very things we ought to be exercising authority over.


Privatizing Christianity

by Andrew Sandlin

November 7, 2016

Where does the idea come from that Christianity is a private, personal matter, disconnected from life and culture?


What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

by Peter Jones

November 2, 2016 | Romans 1:1

The gospel, or good news, is that Jesus has won not only the salvation of hopeless sinners, but also the redemption of the entire cosmos.


The Original Lie

by Peter Jones

November 1, 2016 | Romans 1:25

In Romans 1, Paul speaks of the original, essential lie that remains the same throughout history, deceiving generations into believing they can be as God.


Defining Secularism

by Andrew Sandlin

October 11, 2016

Secularization is not the same as atheism. Rather it is the belief that God and His Word have nothing meaningful to say to society.